Two Brothers Lemon Squash
Two Brothers Lemon Squash
Call on 8451991567 to get Two Brothers Lemon Squash directly from the farm.
Two Brothers - Lemon Squash is available online across India for Home Delivery.
As per the World's Healthiest Foods, a quarter cup of lemon juice contains 31 percent of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C which accounts to around 13 calories. A whole raw lemon contains 139 percent of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C and has 22 calories.
Lemons are considered superfoods and contain plenty of health benefits. Since lemonade is essentially lemon juice combined with water and some raw unrefined sugar it is an easy way to get a dose of healthy lemon.
Lemonade is a deliciously refreshing beverage which fortunately comes with health benefits too.
What are the ingredients used in Two Brothers Lemon Squash?
The ingredients are handpicked Farm grown indigenous organic lemons & raw unrefined sugar.
How to make Lemonade with Two Brothers Lemon squash?
- Take 2 teaspoons of Lemon Squash in a glass.
- Add chilled water and ice cubes with a sprig of mint
- Shake well and serve chilled.
(You can increase or decrease the quantity of squash as per your taste)
P.S. Lemon squash tastes great when accompanied with desserts and mocktails.
How to store Two Brothers Lemon Squash?
- Until the seal is broken, store the unopened bottle in a cool, dry place at room temperature.
- After breaking the seal, refrigerate the product to extend its shelf life.
- Unopened bottles remain for a year with the flavour and taste of lemon intact.
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