What is the real colour of Desi Cow Ghee?
There are various videos and messages which we see on our social media which say that real Desi Cow ghee is always yellow or golden in colour. The question about the colour of pure desi cow ghee is very common amongst new customers. Also, when people are new to using this product, they get worried about the ghee of a different colour coming from the same Gaushala. Many new customers on Bodhishop have questions regarding the colour and authenticity of ghee. Why the colour of the ghee yellower than the last bottle? Why is the colour of ghee pale this time? We get so many questions like these every day. Everyone is very cautious when they buy pure ghee because it affects health and body directly. Hence people prefer buying verified and authentic products. But the questions are valid and we are here to answer them.
What is the real colour of pure desi cow ghee?
Ideally, the color of desi cow ghee is yellowish, yellow or golden. It is never pure white, but it can be pale with light golden liquid on the top. The granular part of ghee that settles down is whiter than the golden liquid part of ghee.
Why does the colour of desi cow ghee change every time I buy a new bottle?
There are various factors on which the colour of Cow Ghee is dependant.
- Location of the Gaushala: Whether the gaushala is located in near a hill or on plain farmland affects the colour of the ghee. This is mainly because the location of the gaushala affects things like weather and type of fodder.
- Weather conditions: India has about 4 weathers. Every weather affects the land, grass grown in farms and the basic tendency of the cows. Just like humans, weather change affects the cows which directly affects the milk. Every weather change is responsible for the change in the colour of the ghee. Generally, the ghee is in its peak yellow color post monsoons and the yellow color begins to fade towards summers.
- Fodder: The land, location and weather are responsible for the type of fodder consumed by the cows. The cows in the farms (where Bodhishop gets the ghee from) only eat organically grown fodder. So as per the weather, the availability of the fodder differs. In some seasons, cows also consume dry fodder which affects the milk. The constitution of dry grass, wet grass and nutritional herbs in a cow's diet also change from region to region and from cow to cow.
- The Cow: The cow is a sensitive animal. Even when you provide proper fodder and nutrition the cow, it is not necessary the milk will be of the same quality as yesterday. It is a natural phenomenon where the colour and fat content in the milk varies everyday.
- Cooking Temperature: The temperature at which the makkhan is cooked plays a massive role in the final aroma, colour and texture of ghee. With more heat, ghee's colour inclines towards brownish side ; with less heat, ghee's colour inclines towards yellowish/whitish side.
Can we get the ghee of the same colour for all the 12 months?
No. If the ghee is made using the pure desi cow milk and the traditional process of making ghee, there will be variations in the colour and texture ghee every time you buy it. This is because no essence, colour or standardization process is done to make the ghee look and taste the same every single time. This is 100% natural. You will never get ghee of the same colour and texture all 12 months if you are buying real and pure unadulterated ghee.
The commercially available ghee which you find in the stores has fragrance, essence and preservatives added in it to make it look and taste the same throughout the year.
The colour of ghee on the website is different than the colour of ghee I have received. Is anything wrong with my ghee?
No. The picture of ghee you see on the website is clicked by the gaushala once. New photos are not clicked for every new batch of ghee.
Where can I buy desi cow ghee with no adulteration in India?
If you are looking to buy unadulterated desi cow ghee, Bodhishop.in is the best place as we have a 100% pure and authentic products which lab tested for purity and authenticity. Additionally, each and every product is manually verified by our team before dispatching it to you.
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Great info. Thanks.