Organic Food - Detailed information
What is Organic food?
Organic food is the one which is grown using only traditional and chemical free ways of farming. This food is 100% natural and GMO (genetically modified organisms) free. If any food product is to be labelled as organic, it must be free of any artificial additives. Organic food must be produced using the techniques and practices which comply with the standards of organic farming. These standards may differ in different countries. But one underlined rule for organic food remains constant - There must be no chemicals, additives and modifications in the farming practices.
In India, Organic farming is heavily dependant on the desi cows. Farming is based on sustaining itself on natural soil and traditional practices of nurturing the farm. As per traditional Indian farming practices, the entire produce is grown without the use of any chemical-based fertilizers or pesticides, hormones, antibiotics and GMOs. These traditionally proven techniques are used to keep insects and pests away even today in the organic farms. The farmers stick to using the style of farming which involves the use of composted manure, plant-based wastes and desi cow based manure in farming.
Why should you eat Organic Food?
- Being free of chemical-based pesticides, organic food is very safe for consumption. We know you wash your vegetables before using them, but these chemicals affect the quality of the food from inside as well.
- The chemicals and pesticides are known to be a major reason behind life risk causing diseases. Investing in your organic food today will help you in saving the medical bills in the long run.
- The new forms of pesticides and fertilizers don’t exactly change the look or taste of the food. But, the nutrients which are lost in this process are vital for good health.
- Processed food which is refined, polished or standardised for making it look good loses its nutrition. Legumes or rice will always have some difference in size or colour. Cutting and polishing it to standardise removes it’s healthy nutrients.
- When farming in an organic manner, the farmer is safe and healthy. He is far away from chemicals. The water bodies near the farm are also chemical-free thus making the entire farm and the produce grown there healthy.
- Organic GMO-free food is the original native food of our land. The native variety of crops and vegetables of India have more chances of being healthy due to the climate, soil and geography of our country.
- When you chose to eat organic food, you are encouraging the use of traditional and sustainable farming methods. The farmers are motivated to stop the use of chemicals and pesticides.
What are the benefits of eating organic food?
- No pesticides or harmful chemicals
- Better nutrition – no standardization
- GMO-Free
- A sustainable and healthy ecology
- Safe food - no risk of getting diseases due to chemicals
- No water contamination
- Farmers – better lives
What is organic certification?
Organic certification is a process that helps farmers and manufacturers of organic food and organic agricultural products to get their products certified. These certifications are through internationally accredited certification bodies like Control Union, Onecert, IMO, Indocert etc. Organic certification is intended to assure quality and prevent fraud. “Certified organic” label is a product assurance for consumers worldwide. Without appropriate testing of the soil, these certifications are not provided.
Requirements vary from country to country and generally involve a set of production standards for growing, storage, processing, packaging and shipping that include:
- Avoidance of synthetic chemical inputs (e.g. fertilizer, pesticides, antibiotics, food additives), irradiation, and the use of sewage sludge
- Avoidance of genetically modified seed
- Use of farmland that has been free from prohibited chemical inputs for a number of years (often, three or more)
- For livestock, adhering to specific requirements for feed, housing, and breeding;
- Maintaining strict physical separation of organic products from non-certified products
- Undergoing periodic on-site inspections. Source - Wikipedia
Where can I buy organic food online in India?
You can buy organic food from
All the organic products you find on Bodhishop are organic certified. The farms from where these products are bought are constantly monitored. Only the best and finest varieties (no hybrid varieties) are available here. The farming is done in a traditional manner where only desi cow manure is used. We at Bodhishop only promote desi cow-based farming.
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