A2 Ghee vs Regular Ghee: What's the Difference?

A2 Ghee vs Regular Ghee: What's the Difference?

Many conversations revolve around the merits of A2 Ghee, often touted as superior to the mass-produced alternatives available in stores. However, the truth is that what most people consider to be traditional ghee might not align with the authentic practices of our ancestors. This blog explores the nuances of A2 Ghee, shedding light on what sets it apart from the commonly available options and answering the questions surrounding this intriguing product.

What is A2?

A2 refers to a protein found in the milk of indigenous desi cows, the Bos Indicus species native to India. Notably, A2 protein is also present in human milk, making it suitable for consumption. This a2 protein protein has been historically given to young babies when mothers couldn't lactate, highlighting its compatibility with human digestion.

On the flip side, milk from other cattle species, such as Bos Taurus (Jersey, Holstein Fresian, Hereford, etc.), contains A1 protein, deemed unsuitable for human consumption.
It's also important to note that since Ghee is a fat, only traces of A2 protein can be found in ghee.

The Arrival of Foreign-Bred Cows in India

In the pursuit of increasing milk production, the Milk Revolution of 1963 introduced foreign-bred cows, yielding significantly higher milk quantities—up to 30 liters per day. These cows were later crossbred with native Indian cows that disrupted the next generation of indigenous cows. (Read more about the Desi Cows)

A2 Ghee - An Ayurvedic Superfood

Ghee made from the milk of indigenous desi cows is commonly referred to as A2 Ghee. The Bilona process, involving the conversion of curds into makkhan instead of using malai (cream), is the ideal method for producing A2 Ghee.

Differences Between A2 Ghee and Store-Bought Ghee

Most store-bought ghee, starting at Rs. 500 per liter, is produced by heating malai, lacking transparency in terms of milk source, cow breed, and overall traceability. Concerns are raised about industrial-scale production, including the potential presence of additives for taste, texture, and aroma.

Contrastingly, genuine A2 Ghee is crafted in gaushalas/farms in smaller batches, free from additives. Cows are not injected with hormones and are provided with organic fodder. Detailed information about the gaushala, cow breed, and the ghee-making process is provided by genuine A2 Ghee sellers.

Identifying Genuine A2 Ghee

To ensure the authenticity of A2 Ghee, consumers are advised to visit the gaushala, understand the breed of cows, and familiarize themselves with the production process. The label on the ghee bottle should specify the cow breed, production process, and gaushala location, with periodic visits and lab tests offering additional assurance. If that's not possible then Bodhishop.in is the best place you can buy the best A2 Ghee n India.

Bodhishop's Assurance

Established in 2018, Bodhishop aims to provide a seamless experience for customers seeking genuine A2 Ghee. The platform verifies all product, farm, and seller details before listing, ensuring that only authentic products are available to customers.

Where to Purchase 100% Genuine A2 Ghee

For those looking to buy pure A2 Ghee with confidence, Bodhishop stands as a trustworthy platform. With a meticulous verification process, Bodhishop offers assurance that every product listed on their website is genuine.

Where can I buy 100% genuine A2 Ghee?

To buy genuine and pure A2 Ghee, click here.

What are the best A2 Ghee in India of 2023?


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