A2 Ghee vs Normal Ghee - Detailed Information
Often we get to hear people around us speak about A2 Ghee. How this ghee is the best and how we must stop eating ghee which is mass-produced by companies and is easily available. However difficult it might be to believe, what we are consuming believing to be ghee is actually not the authentic traditional ghee that our forefathers consumed. The ghee available in stores with branding slogans like 'Cow Ghee', 'Cow's desi ghee', or even 'Pure Ghee' is not really made by the traditional process of making ghee. And it is definitely not the A2 Ghee that many people have started speaking about. So what exactly is different in this A2 Ghee? Is it made with some special ingredients? Or is it just a premium quality ghee? Bodhishop.in answers all your questions related to this beautiful product - A2 Ghee.
What is A2?
The Bos Indicus is a species of domestic cattle that originates from the South East Asian part of the word. The cows that are native to India are also of this species. (Read more about the Desi Cows) A2 is basically a protein that is present in the milk of our indigenous desi cows. Interestingly, it is also present in human milk. Hence, the presence of A2 protein in milk is considered to be suitable for human consumption.
People living in various places in India have given young babies the milk of desi cows when the mother couldn't lactate. The baby could easily consume desi cow's milk and digest it too.
The milk that is yielded from the other species of cattle, Bos Taurus, comes from the breeds of cows like Jersey, Holstein Fresian, Hereford, etc. These species are originally from the European area. Their milk contains a protein called A1. A1 milk is not suitable for human consumption.
If the indigenous desi cow's milk was suitable for people in our country, why did we start consuming the milk of foreign bred cows? How did these foreign bred cows come to India?
How and why did the foreign bred cows like Jersey come to India?
The indigenous desi cows yield about 8-10 litres of milk every day. In the year 1963, the Milk revolution started and the mission to increase milk production in India begun. In the 70s', semen from American bulls and some cattle from America were imported in India to meet the growing demand for milk. (source) Since these breeds yield almost 30 litres of milk per day, they were considered as a great source of increasing the milk yield of the country. Later they were crossbred with the native Indian cows too.
A2 Ghee - An Ayurvedic Superfood
The Ghee made using the milk of our native indigenous cows is mostly referred to as the A2 Ghee. This ghee is ideally made using the Bilona process of making ghee which involves making makkhan from curds and not from the malai (cream). Read the entire process of making ghee using Bilona method here.
What is the difference between A2 Ghee and Store-bought ghee?
Most store-bought ghee that is easily available in any store starting at Rs. 500 per litre is actually made by heating the Malai. The source of the milk, breed of the cow and the overall traceability of the product is never known to customers. What the cows consume? Whether any hormone injections are given to them? How is their lifestyle? Are they sent to the slaughterhouse once they stop giving milk? All such information is never provided to the customer. This ghee is made on an industrial level in huge quantities. Many times, additives like colour and flavour are present in this ghee to maintain the taste, texture and aroma of every single batch.
Genuine A2 Ghee is made in gaushalas/farms in smaller batches. No additives are present in this ghee which results in the product being different in each batch. The cows are not injected with hormones and provided with organic fodder only. Where is the Gaushala located? How do the cows spend their day? What do they eat? How are they taken care of once they stop giving milk? What happens to the baby bulls born on the farm? How exactly the ghee is made? All this information is specified by the sellers if they are selling genuine A2 Ghee.
How do you know whether the brand is selling genuine A2 Ghee?
We know, there are many fake vendors who sell any ghee by calling it A2 Ghee. It is very important to be aware of such vendors. Honestly, every vendor/farmer will be saying that their ghee is genuine and the best. But how do you know the authenticity of their claim?
To check whether the ghee that you are buying is genuine or not, you must know and visit the location of the Gaushala where the cows live. Spending some days at the Gaushala will reveal the practices followed there. It will also enable you to check exactly which breed of cows is present there. Interacting with genuine farmers is a joy! It also reveals their intention and philosophy behind starting this business. The label on the ghee bottle must mention the breed of the cow, the process by which the ghee is made and the location of the gaushala. These details should match the reality of the Gaushala. Periodic visits to the Gaushala, interaction with the farmers and regular lab tests of the product are the best way to check whether the brand of ghee that you consume is genuine or fake.
We understand that it is difficult for the customers to verify all these details and hence we started Bodhishop in 2018 to provide an easy and seamless experience to the customers who are looking to buy only genuine and pure A2 Ghee. Today thousands of customers trust only Bodhishop when it comes to buying A2 Ghee.
At Bodhishop, we verify all the details about the product, farm and the sellers before listing their product on our website. Out of 100 calls that we get, only 1-2 sellers are actually genuine. Unlike other E-commerce websites, where anyone can come and list their product by registering as a seller, Bodhishop only lists verified and authentic sellers.
Where can I buy 100% genuine A2 Ghee?
To buy genuine and pure A2 Ghee, click here.
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